Lessons from an International tax dispute: Three Interrelated Cases, in Three Different Proceedings, Generating Three Separate Liabilities
Attention has been focused recently on conservation easement donations, micro-captive insurance, virtual currency, and other “hot” topics. Although not dominating the news cycle any longer, plenty of taxpayers continue hiding foreign assets, and the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”), with help from the Department of Justice (“DOJ”), still aggressively pursues them. What is remarkable about these international actions is that they sometimes trigger three interrelated disputes, occurring in three different venues, and generating three potentially large liabilities.
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About Hale E. Sheppard
HALE E. SHEPPARD, Esq. (B.S., M.A., J.D., LL.M., LL.M.T.) is a Shareholder in the Tax Controversy Section of Chamberlain Hrdlicka and Chair of the International Tax Group.